Take control of the customer experience where the journey starts, in your online showroom. Our industry leading dealer websites include an interactive showroom, automated offer feeds, live inventory, a complete deal builder and much more.
Your customers begin their purchase journey by browsing the internet, often using manufacturer sites to do their research. Auto CX’s digital showrooms bring that experience your own dealership website, resulting in more time spent on your site and providing a top-of-funnel opportunity to build credibility as well as learn about your customers’ preferences.
By showing customers exactly how their future car could look, including the ability to switch between variants and explore colours and accessories, the interactive showroom helps bring customers’ dreams to life, before letting them enquire directly.
Drive customers’ purchase journey by allowing them to view and buy from your live vehicle inventory.
Running a campaign or special offer? Easily integrate your offers into the showroom page to motivate customers to start an online vehicle build.
Increase in conversion
Higher engagement
More page views